Sterre Jansen onderzoekt in haar beeldend werk de centrale vraag ‘wat betekent het om mens te zijn?’ Dit doet ze door haar lichaam en acties in te zetten als onderzoekend middel in performance video’s, hierbij speelt improvisatie een grote rol. In haar werk wordt humor, waarheid en pijn gecombineerd, maar die leiden vaak niet tot eenduidige antwoorden maar roepen juist meer vragen op.

'I like a question better than an answer'

throughout her development to become a visual artist, sterre has always been fascinated by the bigger questions of life, philosphy, psychology, quantum mechanics, artificial intelligence and the experience of human existence in the broadest sense of the word.
Through experimenting in space, with the body and relations, Sterre researches the central question 'What does it mean to be human?'
Often this results in a video documentation of a performance, working through a perfomance score, and spacial installations.

With her background in psychology and interior design and architecture
sterre offers her perspective in the visual arts. How can we maintain the poetry of human existence in a world that is stuffed with rules and regulations?

Sterre was born in 1992, Nijmegen, The Netherlands.

2010-2011 English teacher
2012-2014 Art therapy
2017-2018 Interior design and architecture, ArtEZ
2018-2022 BEAR Fine art, ArtEZ
Graduated at Artez in July 2022